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Welcome to Hotel Vinayak Palace

Luxery Hotel Rooms

Well-furnished and fully air conditioned hotel rooms along with banquet hall and rest room.

Air Conditioned

We provide air conditioned restaurant with fully equipped furniture and other amenities.

Tour Packages

We provide tour packages services to our guests at very reasonable and affordable prices.

Foods and beverages

We provide different type of food like Rajasthani food, North Indian food, South Indian food, Punjabi Food etc.

Ice cream & Juice parlor

We provide different type of ice cream & different type of juice.

Disco party hall

In this hotel also facilities of disco.

Street foods

We provide stalls with magic of indian food and cuisine.

Banquet Hall

We provide banquet hall for official meetings, events, any type of function or ceremony with average cost of renting.

Bakery items

We also provide a facilities different type of bakery items under a roof.